Aura – Strom aus dem Norden

Other title(s): Breakthrough
Genre: Short film
Year: 1950
Runtime: 00:12:27
Description: Norways hydroelectric complex, is finally ready to supply power to the nation and some of its neighbors. The fascinating story of the monster undertaking is told by a worker at the site. Begun before the war, the project flagged during the Depression years. Efforts of the Nazi occupiers to complete the project to serve the German war effort were met by sabotage. After the war the breakthrough came, thanks to the Marshall Plan, which made it possible to procure scarce construction and generating equipment from all over Europe. Unusually powerful camerawork and editing. © 2002 Linda R. Christenson
Keywords: VICTOR-E project / power plant / construction site / family / mine / unemployment / engineer / tunnel
Provider: Deutsches Historisches Museum
Rights: In Copyright / USIA - Embassy of the United States of America / Press Office, Berlin
Production company: ECA Norway
Colour: Black & White
Director: Lauritz Falk
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Collection: Films of the Marshall Plan
Language: de